may you chase buffalo.
we love our friends the howards. we've struck up a long-distance friendship this year with this pair from kansas city, and have spent many emails (and a camping trip) sharing honest struggles with one another about making art and making a livelihood.
a few weeks back, i read this post by them. in it, they describe this idea about always taking the long way home. about taking every possible detour, in the hunt for beauty and something different. especially in times of busyness, when you most likely just want to shut your mind off at any chance you get. but instead, to choose to be surprised and to open yourself up to something unplanned.
to let the world do its magic and ignite wonder into you again.
in essence, to chase buffalo.
and so one day in the weeks leading up before christmas, we were tired and so we took the torch passed from our friends, and we went and chased buffalo. except our buffalo turned out to be llamas.
and above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. those who don't believe in magic will never find it. / roald dahl