the faroe islands
arriving through thick clouds and our first glimpse of the jagged cliffs right beside us.the sheep eating grass right outside the airport entrance.the time the boat lurched so hard everyone had to grab on and everything went sliding across the floor.that extra large milka chocolate bar i kept in my raincoat pocket.swarms of puffin flying overhead.being soaked to the bone and laughing.huddling under a bus shelter from a hail storm.drinks with new travel buddies and the puffin fridge magnet they bought us.walking home while it's still light at 11:30pm.the stray dog who followed us all through town.haribo my boots disintegrated.heated floors & grass roofs.the cute canadian woman on our bus in the red coat.the pastures of sheep and their lambs right in the heart of the capital.two years ago we spent a couple weeks in the faroe islands, and it's stayed with of our favourite trips & favourite places ever.