erin & gary, and their low-key backyard wedding in st jacobs
a simple ceremony at city hall. a stroll through the woods where they walk their dog, just the four of us for some photos. erin's family home, all lovingly decked out with lights & bunting filling the backyard. the greenhouse turned into a bar, where they took turns pulling beer & topping up wine. friends and family coming & going all afternoon, as the sun slowly dipped in the sky. erin & gary's favourite local taco restaurant (taco farm) setting up shop in the living room, and the best tacos you've ever tasted. homemade desserts. a fire once it started to get dark & a bit chilly. taco bout a oh man we just loved this day. erin, gary, & your hilarious and wonderful families, thank you for having us there. we didn't stop smiling all day. click play to watch the stop-motion video below & some images from the day to follow.