jess & alex married on the lake | a port cunnington muskoka wedding
what we find in a soul mate is not something wild to tame but something wild to run with / robert brault
right from the first email we knew jess & alex were our kind of people and that the day they had planned was going to be something special and from the heart. we met up with both of them and just fell into a rhythm almost instantly and could have talked for hours more. jess is thoughtful and isn't afraid to be herself, and alex, you can always hear his laugh rising above everyone else's. such good people. i'll never get over the feeling of someone handing over complete trust to dave and i to document what we see and create a story from that, and jess & alex did just that.for their wedding, they invited all their family and friends to a resort in muskoka next to the lake for the weekend, where they'd have a night-before welcome campfire, where they'd be reunited with friends they hadn't seen in years (they'd be living in bc and seoul up until recently), everyone staying in cabins, be married on the dock to a thoughtful and personal ceremony created by jess, go out in a canoe together, have lemonade as the sun set, and have one hell of a good dance party. i love the thoughtfulness that went into every part of their day.... the way they encouraged everyone to relax, unplug and enjoy the last long weekend of summer... how they tried and succeeded in mostly every way to reuse/make by hand/buy used every aspect of the day.... jessica made it a labour of love creating beautiful pieces used around the property, repurposing old barn board to create all the signs you'll see in the images below. and with the hope to continue the process of recycling now that the wedding day is over.. i love the spirit of that..ok, i've gone on and on. a little glimpse of weekend, through images below, or video above.(i haven't told jess & alex this, but their encouragement to us months ago when they booked us to push our limits and try out whatever we wanted at their wedding is a huge part of what gave us the push to continue exploring how to tell stories better.. we are still learning all the time of course, but i'm so thankful for that push from these guys.. :) september 2013 // muskoka ontario