there are a handful of cities in the world where the minute i stepped into them, i knew i could live there. sf became one of them in the first thirty seconds.also, our first night in san francisco we had driven all day and were tired so we ordered indian food and i found the joy of painting with bob ross on tv. if you grew up watching the joy of painting with bob ross on tv then you know exactly what i'm talking about. :)
oooh and i thought i'd share a few of our SAN FRANCISCO'S MUST VISITS..
1. The Phoenix Hotel, such a cool vibe 2. FourBarrel Coffee, busy for good reason 3. The Golden Gate bridge on a foggy day. We were so lucky to spend a warm sunny day in sf, but i found watching the fog and listening to the foghorns the morning we left immensely peaceful. Even though we were only there for a day and spent most of it just walking the neighbourhoods, I definitely left my heart in San Francisco, November 2012 :)