did you know there are secret drawers on the second floor of the ace hotel portland? well, there are. we had no idea. drawers and drawers full of notes and secrets and letters and poems and silly stuff and downright profound stuff.portland holds many favourite things in my heart, and we've been lucky to have found ourselves in this lovely city a few times over the past little while. among these favourite things, discovered on previous trips there, include sizzle pie pizza, the doug fir, endless aisles and colour coded rooms of powell's city of books, a handful of lovely friends, best coffee, best food carts, but you, ace hotel, you and your secret drawers, you trump them all.that's the thing with setting off down a path, traveling -- you never really know what you're going to find. and i am falling in love with being surprised by this world. xo, jennPortland, November 2012