“one’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” -- henry miller
twenty four days... 7619 kilometers... one overnight train, two flights, countless hours in the car... seven states... six guest rooms/couches/air mattresses... twenty four amazing people... and two really happy/inspired/thankful people (us!).I don't even know where to start to describe what our road trip was like... we've been home for a few days now and are still processing it all... but what I can say is that it was amazing. Thank you thank you to everyone who had us over, who had us document them, who supported us, who followed along and emailed us along the way... who even turned the camera on us a few times during the trip! we super appreciate all of you. To those who we spent time with, I can't wait to be able to share what we documented of our time with you... and to everyone else reading, maybe a few of those stories will pop up here and there on our blog as well in a few months time too... :)It's funny, on our flight home we witnessed a man literally throw someone's carry-on into the owner's face when we'd landed, and we couldn't help but think, man.... we got to hang out with some pretty lovely people for the past few weeks! Seriously.
They say that travel does more to change the traveler than anything else, and I think that is so true. I feel like I've got new eyes, or that at least my eyes were opened up a little bit more than they were before ;) I feel like we went into this crazy idea to travel from Toronto to LA documenting stories not really knowing what would come of it..... and that feeling of living each day as it came, really focusing on the present & what we were doing was just an amazing feeling.... something I want to continue. We meant to blog more while we were on the road but it ended up being so nice to just experience it with no expectation of having to instantly update the world on what we were doing. But, what we did manage to update can be found over here if you're interested in seeing a bit more of a peek :)It's felt REALLY weird not to be walking around with a camera in my hand every day documenting things now that we're home -- we photographed a lovely wedding this past weekend though, which helped! We are definitely winding down for the year and wrapping up a few more work things, dreaming up ideas and things we want to do, hopefully some of which will translate and start to appear here on our blog as well... hoping to write and share a lot more of our hearts here soon. Until then. xo, jenn