Things I love about our little office space..... the string of polaroids and photobooth strips beside my desktop | the beginnings of a dashboard hula girl collection | camera print from one of our lovely couples | bicycle paper clips I contributed (& won) at a Christmas gift exchange | extra pack of instax wide for this camera | gag camera that squirts water | quotes, schedules, notes to myself taped to the wall | stapler | classy door signage | old travel poster inspired calendar | postcards from friends | this creatively inspiring magazine | two month wall calendar for marking down weddings, shoots, meetings, etc | name tags from weddings we've photographed | prints of old New York City | and of course our office kitty....... :)We spend quite a bit of time in our office in between photographing doing all the back end of running our business, so we're trying our best to make a space that reminds us of ourselves and that we're happy to be in, it's working out so far. xo, jenn